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A programme of mid- and late-twentieth century Polish music, including Krysztof Penderecki's piano sextet (with Alec Frank Gemmill, horn, and Maximiliano Martín, clarinet) and Grażyna Bacewicz's second piano quintet, alongside a selection of Polish tango dance numbers from the 1930's.

Grazyna Bacewicz: Piano quintet No 2

Krzysztof Penderecki: Three Miniatures for clarinet and piano

Three Polish tangos:

Zygmunt Wiehler: Usta

Jerzy Petersburski: Tango Milonga

Artur Gold Gdzie: Twoje Serce?

Krzysztof Penderecki: Piano sextet

Three Polish tangos:

Stanislaw Ferszko: Gdy Odejdziersz 

Wiktor Krupinski: Prztul, Uscisnij, Pocaluj 

Fanny Gordon (Faige Jofé): Skrwawione Serce 

Simon Smith: piano

Benjamin Marquise Gilmore: violin

The strings of Mr McFall's Chamber

" took just a single bar of Jerzy Petersburski’s 1928 work Tango Milonga to transport us to another place and time"

(The Scotsman)

Of Simon Smith: "...a phenomenon – nothing daunts him, technically or musically" 

(The Scotsman)

Mr McFall's Chamber: Music From Poland